
Custom Stickers

Large Format Sticker

Lettering Decal Sticker

Oneway Vision (Perforated)

Custom Vinyl Stickers Print for Indoors and Outdoors in Bali

Custom stickers prints at MahaMeru. They are ideal for promoting and bringing awareness to your business, particular cause, political view or displaying a favorite quote.
They are printed on durable and weatherproof vinyl, making it easy to put on your car, glass, window or any other smooth surface. Choose from an array of custom sizes and quantities that meet the business or personal needs.

Create an instant brand and business recognition with short-run stickers. These custom stickers are great for teachers, store logos, brand names and products. You’ll often find them on guitar cases, books, laptops, coolers, and other office and household items. They’re cost-effective with a fast turnaround.

MahaMeru offer a variety of UV sticker printing options including sizes, shapes and the quantity to meet your business or personal needs. Hand out at your next trade show or event to create excitement and awareness. Recommended for indoor use.