Hyget fabric printing price in Denpasar Bali, good for daily wear, soft on both sides

Hyget fabric printing price in Denpasar Bali. Hyget fabric cool feeling, good for daily wear, doff-colored and soft on both sides . Suitable for clothes, sport shirts, scarves, pashmina, hijab, pillow cases, sofa covers.

Close : 27 March - 4 April 2025
Product Info
Ink Color:Hi-Quality digital full color printing with Original Ink
Maximum Size:Maximum width depending on material fabric width. Required 5cm white space margin (print area space)


Rp 0 /meter
[ meters ]
kg [ meters ]
Length (m)
50 - 99 meters
100 - 199 meters
200 meters Up
Minimum order :
10 m (can be different designs)


Hyget fabric is a kind of shirt material made from a mixture of polyester and spandex.

This knitted based polyester with cool feeling, good for daily wear, doff-colored and soft on both sides .

Suitable for clothes, sport shirts, scarves, pashmina, hijab, pillow cases, sofa covers.